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January brings the time of New Year’s Resolutions. For many, that resolution is to lose weight. You’re excited! You’re going to do it this time! 10 lbs. 20 lbs. 50 lbs.
You’re envisioning a new wardrobe, or maybe you’re excited to see what it’s like not to have to order a seatbelt extension on the plane. Then January rolls around and so many have given up until next year.
Here we are in September and 2014 is more than halfway over, but what if you didn’t wait until January to start setting goals? What if you could make a change today? In this moment. Right now.

[Tweet “We don’t have to wait for a new year to set goals today. #nextrightstep”]
You can, my friend. All you have to do is take the next right step.
To help you do that, I’ve created a three-part video series to jumpstart putting your steps into action. I think you’ll find it inspiring, and best of all, it’s free! You can watch the first video here. It’s part of a larger project I can’t wait to share with you. If you like it, you can opt-in to receive the other two.
In this first video, I talk about:

  • How I went from losing 145 lbs., to gaining 40 of it back, and overcoming that feeling of defeat
  • How putting three simple words into action can change the course of your life
  • Why you can’t afford to live without putting goals into place to change the course of your life
  • How to overcome your fear
  • Why vulnerability is key to growth

There’s no better time like the present to learn how taking the next right step can bring your dreams and goals to life.
There’s nothing like the feeling of accomplishment when you get to the end of something you’ve worked so hard to achieve. But you have to do the work to get there.
And that’s just the first video. I dig even deeper in the second and third videos. As I said, you can watch the first for free here. The other two are free too; you just have to opt-in. You are also welcome to share them with your friends.
There are several reasons to stop waiting for a new year to get here to achieve your goals of losing weight, strengthening your marriage, becoming a better mom, writing that book, (insert your goal here).
One last thought: Usually I ask you to comment here—and you can if you want. But I’d be grateful if you would leave me a comment under the video when you click over to watch it. I’m starting the conversation there now with a goal of my own.
Click here to watch the video now.

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