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Change is consistent. It’s the one thing you can always count on. As Country singer Tracy Lawrence sings, “The only thing that stays the same is everything changes.”

photo credit: shirokazan (creative commons)

photo credit: shirokazan (creative commons)

Change is all around us. Starbucks changed their logo. Facebook is consistently changing something. Your latest and most up-to-date technology changes in an instant.
What does that do you for you? For me, it rocks my security boat. It takes me out of the control of my own situation and I start to get nervous. It rocked Peter’s security boat too. As the disciples stared at Jesus walking on the water their immediate reaction was “It’s a ghost!”

But Jesus said, “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
Peter followed Jesus’ instruction and got out of the boat with faith. But, when the wind came Peter got scared.
Don’t we all do that? We’re fine as long as the wind isn’t blowing. But, when the breeze comes in and the change starts to happen, we freak out. I tend to anyway. I must learn, however, to embrace that change and trust that God is in the driver’s seat.
Let the wind blow and go with it, not toward it.
How are you dealing with change?

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