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My First Single, “Jesus and Time” Coming March 3, 2023

My First Single, “Jesus and Time” Coming March 3, 2023

I’ve been waiting on a few loose ends to be tied up before I announced this, but I’m excited to say that my first single, “Jesus and Time,” will be officially released on March 3, 2023!

I’m so excited! We’ve been working behind the scenes to make some exciting things happen as we prepare for the release (photo shoots, artwork, videos.) I have an exciting music video idea, so pray with me that we can pull it off.

“Jesus and Time” is a pretty personal song for me. I’ll share more about the story later, but my prayer is that it gives us all some hope, even in the sadness, that God can pull us out of the pit.

Stay tuned! Whoot! Whoot!

You pre-save the song here…

"Don’t Let Go" ©2018

"Don’t Let Go" ©2018

Paul said, “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.”

Guilty! Why do refuse the hand of Christ when we’re in the midst of darkness? Our hearts cry out for Jesus but our minds tell us no.

We know right from wrong. We know truth from lies. Yet we choose darkness.

Because we’re in a battle.

If I’d Only Accept ©2017

If I’d Only Accept ©2017

I don’t know about you, but I struggle with receiving forgiveness from God. I tend to think I have to punish myself before I can truly be forgiven.

I allow shame and guilt and condemnation to spend way too much time in my life before I truly accept His forgiveness.

I was sitting on the porch yesterday thinking, dealing with some anxiety, and wanting to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. I decided to write this song instead.

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