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I wanted a dog. It had been several years since I’d had one and frankly, I was tired of living in my apartment by myself. So, I woke up one morning and declared, “I want a dog!”
How to Tame a Deaf Dog
Within two days, a friend, who volunteers at the local humane society, called to say she had the perfect dog waiting for me. A few hours later, I headed up there to meet the sweet creature to see if we were a match. I took her for a walk, rubbed her ears, and even got a gentle kiss from her.

Then I left. 

I didn’t want to make any rash decisions. Afterall, owning a dog is a big investment for me right now. Could I afford her? Did I have the time for her? Would I be a good doggy mom?
Four days later I brought her home. Dog food – check. Treats – check. Name tag – check. Something besides the television to talk to – check.
When I got home from work the next day, I couldn’t find her. I yelled for her, looked under the bed, checked the shower. Nothing. Then I found her bunched up on a pile of my little cousins stuff animals next to the couch. There she was, sleeping soundly. I said her name repeatedly, but nothing. It wasn’t until I reached out to pet her, that her startled eyes met mine and she was awake and ready to play.

Do I have a deaf dog? 

Sure enough. After a few “tests,” I had reached my conclusion. My dog couldn’t hear a lick as they say in the redneck language I grew up with.
I must be honest and say having a deaf dog was certainly not in my plans. I wanted a companion I could talk to. I wanted to be greeted everyday when the keys rattled in the front door. I wanted to make up pet words that only she understood. Pardon the pun.

It turns out you can’t always get what you want, but you always get what you need. (Tweetable, no?)

I needed Shatzi. Though I’m still in the beginning stages of learning why, it makes sense. God is calling me into an area of my life where compassion and patience will be tested like never before. Why not use a deaf dog to start the process?
I’m learning to communicate differently. Though she can’t hear me, I still talk to her. Though she can’t hear the keys rattle, when she sees me coming, she runs towards me, tail wagging. And I still have the comfort in knowing she’s sitting right beside me on the couch as I write this, as content as can be.

I’m reminded that everything isn’t about me. 

I’m learning a deeper love. I’m learning patience (sometimes more than I want to). I’m learning about loyalty.
They say dogs are a man’s best friend and I would have to agree with that. She can’t hear a word I’m saying, yet she trusts me enough to let me bend down, kiss her face and utter words from my lips she will never hear. I think we’re a great fit.
Name a time in your life God gave you what you needed instead of what you wanted. Answer in the comments below…

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