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If you have been overweight for any amount of time, I’m sure you have exposed yourself to the hundreds, if not thousands of dieting books on the market. If you get nothing else out of this post, get this:



  • Diets rarely ever work.
  • They are usually temporary.
  • They play unnecessary mind games with those of us desperately seeking change.

These are only a few reasons. Think about this.

The diet industry is a multibillion-dollar enterprise, raking in over $40 billion per year.

If diets worked, would there really be a reason for such a large industry? 

Nobody ever tells you the mental strain dieting will put on you. That the majority of today’s television and magazine ads try and convince us that if women aren’t a size 3 they are fat. That diet pills and other “quick, fat-burning” solutions do more harm for your body than good.
At least, nobody told me that. Or maybe I just wasn’t listening.

At the end of every diet the path curves back to the trough. – Mason Cooley

I couldn’t have said it better myself. In my opinion, and it’s just that, every diet will lead you back to where you started. And most of the time, when you get back there you’ll most likely have gained more weight. No wonder the depression rates are climbing.

It’s hard to get out of the pit when we keep digging the pit deeper. 

There’s an English proverb that says,

Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.

There is so much truth in that simple statement.
If you have believed the lies that there is nothing else you can do and you’re just destined to be “fat” for the rest of your life, I will now share with you my new favorite word:

noun. Nonsense; foolish talk.

There is a way out. It’s not an overnight rescue. There is no quick promise.

If you are going to succeed in weight loss, you are going to have to learn to be determined.

To keep going. To work hard.  I wish I had started a lot sooner. I wish I had saved all the money I spent on trying new diets. I wish I could have been healthier in high school and enjoyed more activities with friends.

If I had done all those things then, perhaps I would have enjoyed my life more. But I didn’t do those things.

Instead I made excuses. I quit. I gave up time and time again. Maybe you have too. Maybe you are ready to give up today.

It’s time to stop waiting for an easy fix and start a new journey. 

These words are taken from my free ebook, Step Away from that Diet: Ten Steps to Losing Weight and Gaining the Confidence You’ve Been Searching ForThey were written from the heart with the goal to inspire others to change their lives and say goodbye to dieting once and for all.
I’d love for you to read the rest of the book and get to the nitty gritty of the ten steps you can take to start losing weight and changing your life today. Simply sign up for my newsletter and the book will quickly be delivered to your “doorstep” – okay, inbox.

Oh.. and a quick reminder, I recently wrote about how you can keep from gaining weight over the holidays. Check out the post here. 
What’s keeping your from gaining the confidence you’ve been search for? I’d love to hear in the comments below… 

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