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God doesn’t laugh with you. He’s too serious for that. He didn’t create humor, so why would you even think about laughing?
This is what so many people are led to believe. That life is serious and God isn’t interested in enjoying time with you. Laughter doesn’t belong in the church.

That’s far from the truth, my friends. 

God created laughter, just as He was kind enough to create the sunshine for us to see in the day, and the stars to shine over us as we sleep at night. Except that one really bright star that shines in my face at 2 am. Oh wait.. That’s an airplane. Nevermind.
Seriously though, God wants to laugh with you. (Tweet That)
Enjoy this video as I talk about a recent moment where God and laughed together over the blessing. Yes.. I laughed and prayed at the same time. Shh… don’t tell God.

I hope you learn to laugh with God, too. He takes great delight in you and wants to enjoy every area of your life with you, including the funny stuff that makes Dr. Pepper come out of your nose.
He laughed at me when I asked Him to let the Cubs win the World Series this year. I’m hoping He’ll change his mind.
Name something you and God recently had a good laugh about. Share in the comments….

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