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Isn’t amazing how two people can be so different, yet when you take a closer look there are so many similarities?
I had the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Graffitti: Scribbles from Different Sides of the Street by Alene Snodgrass, and it’s definitely not what I expected.

The book is written by a homeless man and Alene (the Suburban girl). The way their stories intertwine is amazing and heartfelt. Two people from very different sides of the street, yet so much the same.

It’s a message about how we all have so much in common no matter what side of the street we live on. Nobody likes being different, but it is in that difference that our heart’s graffiti is scribbled for the world to see.

I love the message in this book because it portrays how each person’s love of Christ can bring one another together, no matter what side of the street you’re from.  It was amazing to read both of their hearts poured out on the pages, and a reminder that there is a hurting world out there.
One of my favorite quotes from the book? 

For you and me to leave a mark as difference-makers, we will have to be willing to embrace who we are and be different.

Graffiti is a short read packed with a powerful punch and I think you’ll enjoy it. You can get it FREE until Sunday right here!

I hope you enjoy the book and Alene’s heart.

What graffiti has God scribbled on your heart that needs to be told? Leave a comment below…

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