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If I had a quarter for every time I failed I’d probably own my own island somewhere off the coast of St Maarten, where I’d spend my days fishing, reading, and of course, listening to Dolly Parton. It hasn’t made me rich, but I’ve learned a lot from every failed experience.
The only way, in my opinion, to do failure right, is by walking away with a memorable experience you can learn from.
Jon Gordon, author of The Carpentersays this about failure:

Failure often serves as a defining moment, a crossroads on the journey of your life. It gives you a test designed to measure your courage, perseverance, commitment, and dedication.

He couldn’t be more right.

Failure creates courage

Many times we fail at something and never allow ourselves to face that big, scary trial again. But what if we actually did? What if we courageously did things afraid?
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Two months ago when I started with my personal trainer, Kimberly, I could only hold a plank for less than 10 seconds. A few weeks ago I did a one-minute plank three times. Three times!
It was hard. I wasn’t sure I would make it. But every time Kimberly told me I only had 10 more seconds to go, I courageously fought through the sweat and burning in my stomach. Did I mention it as awesome?

Failure creates perseverance

I don’t know who said it, but I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying before, “Don’t quit until the breakthrough happens.” (If you don’t know the source, feel free to credit it to me.)
That’s so true. If you fall, get up again and keep pushing through. So you gained 2 lbs. last week. Today is a new day full of opportunities to focus on the next right step. If you follow through with today, even though you failed yesterday, tomorrow will bring a victory.
I quit school once. Well, almost. In the midst of my struggle with Algebra I decided to persevere. I failed my test, but passed the class, and learned more about perseverance in that semester than I knew possible.

Failure creates commitment

Whether you realize it or not, when you choose to walk away from something after you fail the first time, you’re making a commitment. You’re committing to quit and give into the fear of failure.
So why not commit to punch fear in the face and show failure who’s boss?
You didn’t get the time you wanted in your last 5k. Run another one. You gave into your emotions and ate three pieces of pie last night. Commit to a better tomorrow.

Failure creates dedication

Four years ago I lost 145 lbs. Over the last two years I gained 40 of those pounds back. For a long time I felt like a failure. I convinced myself I let others down. I was a hypocrite. Then I decided to stop attending that pity party I invited myself to and do something about it.
I’m still not where I need to be, but thank God I’m not where I used to be. You can credit Joyce Meyer for that quote. You only fail when you stop trying, my friend.
[Tweet “You only fail when you stop trying, my friend. “]
Let’s dedicate ourselves to learning from our failures and doing life one step at a time. I’m game if you are.
Gordon says,

I want to encourage you to see failure as a rest, a teacher, a detour to a better outcome, and an event that builds a better you. Failure is not meant to be final and fatal. It is not meant to define you. It is meant to refine you to be all that you are meant to be. When you see failure as a blessing instead of a curse, you will turn the gift of failure into a stepping stone that leads to the gift of success.

Failure is constantly teaching me, but I refuse to let it control my life or hold me back from the purpose God has created me for. It’s time for you to stop letting failure hold you back.
Instead, allow it to make you courageous, persevering, committed, and dedicated.
If you haven’t read The Carpenter yet, I highly recommend it. It’s full of applicable wisdom that will knock your socks off.
[reminder]What’s one important lesson failure has taught you? I’d love to hear. [/reminder]

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