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I have been doing this Time Management Bible Study with expert Christie Love for the past couple of weeks. Love said, “Each morning God deposits the same amount of time into the accounts of the most powerful CEO as he does for the humblest of the homeless.  Time does not play favorites; it treats everyone with unbridled equality uninfluenced by power, work, or wealth.”
Then she asked a question that I have been thinking about for a while now.

How does it make you feel that we are each a person equal when it comes to time each day?

Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing

The first person to come to mind when I was thinking about this question was Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. The guy seems to have it all together, I thought to myself as I journaled my answer.

He is the CEO of the largest Christian publishing company in the world. Almost everytime he posts a blog, I find myself walking away thinking how I could better improve something in my life. He finds time to tweet. He travels and speaks in many different locations. Did I mention he runs a company? Somewhere in the day, he finds time to eat three meals a day I’m sure. He finds time to run. But most importantly, he finds the time to spend with his family.

I don’t really know anything about Michael, besides what I get through his blogs posts. But he seems to have it all together. He seems to manage his time well. And I don’t see that he hesitates to give the credit to God. Interesting.

We don’t all run a company. Some of us haven’t the first clue what a tweet it is. Some of us work a very simple 9 to 5 job. Some of us are just students. But the one thing we all have in common is the amount of time we get. 24 hours. Perhaps what makes us all different is the way our priorities are lined up.

This sums it up: If Michael Hyatt can do it, so can I.

How are you managing your time?


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