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I’m the type of person who can do the same thing over and over again. I can eat a salad everyday for lunch with the exact same toppings for months.

I’m one for routine. I drink my tea at the same time every morning. I prefer a specific type of ink pen. Sometimes, however, it’s time to change things up.

[guestpost]Each month I share my weight loss results. You can see the first month here.[/guestpost]

I’ve kept it no secret that I’ve gained 40 lbs. back of the 145 I lost. It’s still hard to say (type) those words. Lately I’ve felt stuck. I’m still running, still eating salads, and still drinking my tea at the same time each morning. But I’ve just felt stuck.

So, I asked God for help and of course He showed up.
Cue the intro music here….
He brought a personal trainer into my life. I was enjoying getting to know Kim from FitPossibilities until my first one-on-one training session this morning. Now I’m thinking bad thoughts about her.

Some gifts come in disguise. 

I’ve been praying for a while about changing things up – doing something different so I can get different results. I’ve often daydreamed about the possibility of having a personal trainer get me on a great routine, but financially I just knew it wasn’t a possibility.
God being the amazing networker He is, though, showed up when I least expected and tada, I got my wish. Tomorrow when I can’t sit on the toilet, I probably won’t consider this a gift, but today I know it is.

Just because you exercise doesn’t mean you’re in shape. 

I’ve lost 145 lbs. I’ve been running off and on for the last four years. I thought I was halfway in shape until Kim introduced me to bells and balls and planks, oh my!
Planks are the works of the devil, of this I am convinced.
One hour later, my legs felt like jello, I squeezed my glutes together more times than I can count, and I thought it possible I would be meeting Jesus within minutes. Turns out I survived it.
So, there you have it. I’m starting my journey with a personal trainer and I’m considering sharing the whole process with you, if I survive the first week. My goal is to get healthy, build some muscle (not man arms), get more educated on nutrition, and get to my goal weight.
Thanks for holding me accountable and joining me for the journey.
[reminder]What’s your favorite type of workout? Have you had a great experience with a personal trainer? [/reminder]

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