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Amber Thomas graduated high school in the small town of Belle, my hometown, in 2010. Life should have been just getting started for her. For an eighteen year old fresh out of high school, college should have been in her thoughts. But, God had a different plan.
Amber has recently been diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL). According to the American Cancer Society, there were about 5,300 new cases of ALL reported in 2010. The term “acute” means the cancer grows quickly. Cancer is an ugly word.
Amber has finished her first round of treatments, including chemotheraphy, steroids, radiation, bone marrow or stem cell transplants, and growth factors. However, due to other medical issues, she isn’t staying away from the hospital long.
I am asking you to join me in prayer for Amber and her family as they go through this difficult time. We all know God is the ultimate healer. I will be praying for healing, strength, understanding, and for God to provide finances for Amber and her family as they walk through these difficult times. Thank you for joining me.
Do you have a special prayer request for you or someone you know?

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