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I was visiting with a friend the other night and she had heard in a recent workshop that love is confrontational. I had some Holy Ghost goosebumps for a minute as I absorbed what she was telling me.
As she was processing the words with me, a sadness overcame her as she realized her family didn’t confront. They bury things, stop talking to each other, wait a few months for the dust to settle, then begin a new conversation over coffee as if nothing ever happened. I realized that I too have family just like that. As a matter of fact, I myself have taken part in being non confrontational, burying it, pretending to get over it, and pretending to move one.
That was until the Word of God got a hold of me, and the confrontational love of others was put in my face.
How do we confront with love? We go to our brother or sister. If they listen, great. If they don’t, you bring others along. If they still don’t listen, then the church becomes involved. See Matthew 18:15-17 for God’s rule book on the matter. As the words Confrontational Love were already on my mind yesterday, my pastor confirmed just how true it was.
During his sermon, I realized that I had once played a role in the rule book of Matthew 18. My sins were confronted by a friend, in love. She confronted me because she loved me too much to let me stay where I was. However, I wouldn’t hear. Her next step? Showing up at my doorstep with three others who loved me as well to offer me help.
My sins weren’t swept under the rug. They weren’t buried and simply given time for the dust to settle. They were confronted. That’s love. Real love.
I encourage you today, as you read this, to think of someone you need to confront in love. Think of that situation you need to stop pretending didn’t happen, and face it. You are called to do so as a member of Christ’s body. Go and do!
Do you have a story of confrontational love to share?

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