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Last year my one word for 2103 was intentional.
I don’t think I did half bad at living that word out. I was intentional about being more present in conversations, which meant keeping the iPhone in my pocket over lunch.
I strived to make existing friendships tighter than ever, and pursue opportunities with new friends, which is out of my comfort zone.
I was intentional about involving myself in community events, which again, is out of my comfort zone.

Most importantly, I tried to be intentional about my relationship with God, and my obedience to Him. Some days I failed miserably. Other days I passed. Since I’ve decided to follow the intentional mission of this new ministry, I think I get an A.

This year I’m focusing on the word productive. 

I want it to be the most productive year yet. I just outlined my goals and motivations for the new year, thanks to Michael Hyatt and his Best Year Ever course. I’m serious about making them happen.
Because I’ve got some serious goals on my plate, it’s going to take some strong determination and persistence to make them happen. Because of that, I need to be productive with every ounce of my time.
This will mean saying no to some things in order to say yes to others.

But if I keep the bigger picture in mind of the end results, it will be worth it. 

I want to publish my second book, create a course that’s been rolling around in my brain, mentor women in Esther’s House, and I have a particular weight loss goal I want to hit.
It’s time to kick things into gear.
What’s your one word for 2014?
My friends over at One Word 365 say it best,


So, I invite you to ponder this for a while. What word do you want to see happen more in the new year? What goals do you have in mind? What do you want to change?

Here are just a few word ideas: 

Trust, Brave, Commit, Ambition, Integrity, Transition, Simplify, Strength, Freedom, Love, Optimism, Faith, Listen, Relentless, Mindfulness, Action, Stewardship, Be, Truth, Reduce, Invest, Dare, Sacrifice, Selah, Balance, Persistence, Enjoy, Imagine. 

Join me in 2014 with the One Word 365 challenge. I promise you won’t regret it.

Already have your word? Share it with me in the comments below. I’d love to hear…

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