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Something to think about… Are you tired of falling through the cracks in life?
The other day I mentioned I wasn’t using my “no” muscle very well. I didn’t like having to admit that to you, so I’m doing something about it. You have permission to call me out if you don’t see me following through. The point is when I don’t set boundaries with my time and try to say “yes” to everything, other things fall through the cracks. That’s not okay.

So what is falling through the cracks with you? 
Are you tired of dieting only to gain the weight back?
Are you tired of being too tired to be present in your marriage or relationships?
Are you tired of making New Year’s Resolutions that fall apart within the first week or so?
Tired of working in the same job you despise day after day?
Tired of never having the money to do what you want to do?
I’ve answered yes to everyone of those questions in the past. Every. Single. One.
I got tired of those things, too and had to ask myself an important question.A question that changed the trajectory of my life. A question that you too must ask yourself if you’re tired of being stuck where you are.
Am I really ready for a new normal? 
There’s more power in that question than you even realize. I know it was life changing for me.
[Tweet “In order to find true change, we have to ask ourselves an important question.”]
It’s a question I ask each woman I mentor through Esther’s HouseThey often look at me like I have three heads when I first ask it, but when they start realizing they actually have the option to create a new normal in their live, everything changes.
So I encourage you today to take some time and ask yourself the question, too.
Am I really ready for a new normal? 
[callout]If you’re looking for help in achieving your goals or creating new and healthy habits in 2017, my friend Michael Hyatt just opened registration for his goal-setting course, 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever.[/callout]
Click Here for more information.
[reminder]What will life look like for you when you find your new normal? [/reminder]

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