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I’ve been fighting the urge, but I’ve decided to climb on the Periscope train. Why?
One word: vulnerability
Before I dive more into the why, let’s talk about the what

What is Periscope?

It’s the easiest way to broadcast video — live, from your phone.

That means no editing. No polishing myself up to make everything sound perfect. No redos. Ouch.
There’s no filtering like Instagram. No perfect verbage for Facebook. No character limit for Twitter.
With Periscope, you actually have to be you. The real you. 

Why Periscope? 

I love to talk, that’s no secret. But the thought of talking to others completely unedited makes me nervous. It’s too vulnerable. Too scary. Too risky.
And that’s exactly why I’m doing it.
I want to welcome you into my world – the real one. And I want to be welcomed into yours as well.
I won’t clean my house for you. I won’t put on my Sunday best (maybe sometimes). I won’t prepare a fancy speech.
But I will give you me, the real, raw, honest, me. 
I should probably come with a warning label. Oh… my username is @sundijo.
I’m going to do my best to fine tune a schedule and show up regularly. What works best for you? Wednesday afternoons? Friday mornings? You tell me and we’ll make it work.
Because Periscope is about you too. 
I want to answer your questions – talk about what you want to talk about. Because you matter and we’re going to brighten up the world together.
[Tweet “Let’s get real and vulnerable on Periscope together. “]
Let’s talk about the hard stuff. The fun stuff. Tell a joke here and there. Maybe cry together. Laugh some more.
Are you in?

Join Me on Periscope

Bring the real you and join me. Let’s hang out. Find me @sundijo.
Here’s how you join:
1. Download the Periscope App from the iTunes App Store or the Google Play store.
2. Follow the directions to sign up with either your Twitter handle or your phone number.
3. Then, create your Periscope profile.
Use the information found at https://help.periscope.tv to learn more.

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