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How many times has your mouth gotten you into trouble? Or perhaps you’ve been deeply hurt by the words of others. I’ve been on both sides, unfortunately.

I remember when Facebook used to be fun. I could scroll through and see pictures of families I wanted to keep in touch with, connect with new online friends who shared the same interests, and enjoy kitten memes.

Now it seems my feed is full of online wars between one another versus actually dealing with the problem. We use it as a passive aggressive way of getting our point across to a specific person without saying name. We gossip. We slander. And we do it all behind a protective screen, convincing ourselves if we do it this way, it won’t really hurt anyone.

So. Not. True.

I would bet some of the things we say in cyberspace we would never have the courage to say in person. I’m learning the keyboard can be a powerful tool, either harmful or helpful.

Are there some guidelines we should be following? Yes… The same guidelines we would follow if we were talking to someone.
Here are 5 questions to ask yourself before posting on Facebook:

Have I prayed about it first? 

Have you taken your frustrations to God first to ask Him what He thinks about the situation? Perhaps He has some perspective you haven’t yet seen because you’re making a quick decision based on your emotions versus His truth. Ask Holy Spirit whether what you’re about to post with glorify Him or make both He and you look foolish.

Will it edify others? 

Will you what say increase the knowledge, faith, or love of others? Do you really have your facts straight or just making an assumption that will hurt others around you? Is what you’re about to say going to make others thirst more for a relationship with God or walk away with a bad taste in their mouths?

What if they were sitting right next to me? 

That person you’re mad at – if they were sitting right next to you, would you have the same words? The same courage you might have behind the keyboard? Real life is personal and sometimes the internet can be so impersonal. Ask yourself if you would say things differently.

Will it embarrass or offend? 

Yes, you’re mad. Yes you want to tag that person in your post for all the world to see. You want justice! But what if you’re only going to embarrass them in front of others instead of truly trying to resolve the issue? You better make sure what you say is really worth it or be prepared for the repercussions.

Are my words laced with grace? 

It’s hard not to just share our opinions and want to be always right. Pointing that finger at myself, too. But Colossians tells us, “Let your conversation be gracious and attractive] so that you will have the right response for everyone.” Henry Cloud says, “Truth without grace is judgment.” Choose your words wisely. The world is watching you, my friend.

I put together a printable list of questions for you to keep near your computer as a reminder to ask yourself before you create that next Facebook post.

And remember this… If you don’t have anything nice to say, just post a picture of a kitten.

[ctt template=”5″ link=”GdnOf” via=”yes” ]Our words have more power than we realize. Are we using them to help or hurt others on Facebook?[/ctt]

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