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For fourteen years I have called Jammie my friend. We have been through so much over that time frame that it’s only God that has kept us in this friendship. I thank Him everyday for her.
I met her in highschool and we’ve been stuck together like glue since then. We have fought. We have cried. We have laughed. We have prayed. Jammie’s love is backed up by action.
I was having an emotional morning recently and the tears were flowing. For anyone that knows me well, I don’t just shed a few tears. I have crocodile tears and my eyes swell up like Rocky Balboa after a boxing match. I can’t ever hide the fact that I’ve been crying. As I cried on the phone, she just let me get the tears out, then I felt better. I felt her love, but she didn’t stop there.
She showed up at the door with one of these:
A sugar-free hazelnut decaf from Starbucks and a hug. It was just what the doctor ordered.
Jammie was by my side the day I learned of my dad’s death. She was holding my hand when I sat with the funeral director and made plans. The day my grandpa died, she was next to me as all I could do was lie in silence and stare at the ceiling. She stared with me. The day I went to the Table Rock Freedom Center she held my hand again. I stood next to her as she married the love of her life. It was an honor.
I know her love because of her actions. I only hope I can be half the friend that she’s been to me. 1 Corinthians 13 looks beautiful on her.
Do you have a Jammie in your life?

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