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Do you write in your Bible? I love to write in mine.
be still
I frequently write dates in mine when a particular verse has significance.
This morning I sat outside, opened my Bible, and these were the words I read:

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. – Psalm 37:7a

It’s funny real. I had just finished writing in my journal, asking God to show me the truth behind some issues on my heart.

Instead of giving me the why behind the what, He tells me to be still. 

As I sat on that verse for a moment, I looked at the dates written near it.

8/30/10. 6/20/12. 10/10/12. 

Apparently I’ve sought peace more than one time.
As I tried to think back on those dates, I remembered the significance of the October outlining. That was a day of sorrow. Heartbreak. A chapter of my life was ending, and it wasn’t ending so well.
I was being attacked with words by people I loved and it hurt. The verse reads on,

do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.

I reflect on that verse this morning and thank God He brought me out of that season stronger. I’m reminded I had to fight that fight with His Word, not my flesh.

If only I did that right every time. 

I like to fix things. If I know there’s a problem, tell me the solution so we can fix it and move on. Waiting is not my gift. When I know something in my heart isn’t right, I want to know the answer immediately so I can make it right.
However, God doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes it takes a while to get to the real issue. I guess that’s where the whole “be still” and “wait patiently” thing comes in.

Okay I’ll work on that, but God, could you tell me how long I’m going to have to wait? 

Oh yeah, be still. I forgot.
Thanking God today for His patience with me.
What’s happening in your life right now where stillness and patience are needed? Share in the comments below… 

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