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I want to try something new. I would like to make Thursdays a place where devotions can be shared. I invite you to not only read the devotions I will post, but I would love for you to send those devotionals that are close to your heart and I will post them.
Here’s the first one:

The Need For Greater Faith

The Need For Greater Faith
from Come Away My Beloved – Francis J. Roberts
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. – James 1:5
My child, do not expect the trials to be lighter than in the past. Why should you think the tests would be less severe? I test all things, and there are areas of your life that as yet I have not touched. Do not look for respite. The days ahead may call for greater endurance and more robust faith than you ever needed before. Welcome this, for you must surely know how precious are the lessons learned through such experiences. Even if you are unable to fully anticipate them with joy, you can certainly gain an appropriate appreciation of them in retrospect.
Apply your heart to learn wisdom. This goal transcends every other aim, and any other good that comes out of a pressure period is an added blessing in excess.
Seek Me above all else.
God says, “do not look for respite.” In other words, “don’t plan to rest in between tests.” Just seeing those words makes me tired. Sometimes I find myself asking God to let me catch my breath before the next thing comes along. I’m sure He just smiles and nods his head saying, “If only you knew what I have saved you from.”
I have a friend that is in the midst of some serious tests. She fights every day to keep her joy, her energy, her strength, her peace of mind. But it is in this time that God is calling her to “greater endurance” than ever needed before. I have no doubt, with God’s strength, that she will make it through this. Watching her struggles has called me to pray more. Something good is coming out of the whole situation.
What in your life right now calls for greater faith?

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