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 My pastor asked some questions yesterday that provoked me to do some deeper thinking. I love sermons like that. The convicting ones are the best.

Why? Because they remind me I still have a long way to go in my faith walk.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving we have so many things to be grateful for. Regardless of a holiday, we have things to be grateful for.

Here is the question he asked based on Luke 7: Am I passionate and grateful or religious and indifferent?

Some days I am passionate. Other days I become a Pharisee. Yuck..
In Luke 7, Jesus was having dinner at the Pharisees house. I can imagine everything was going smoothly. Jesus was visiting with his friends, just chilling.


This woman shows up. It was bad enough she was a woman, but she was also a prostitute. Then she did the unthinkable. She bowed at his feet and wept. She wiped her tears off with her hair. In those days, taking your hair down was the same as taking your shirt off. She put perfume on them and kissed his feet.

Before I go any further, let me ask you this question: Would you let a prostitute come in off the street, pour perfume on your feet, and wipe the tears with her hair? 

Ya.. I would probably struggle with that too. Why? Because like I said before, some days I have passion and other days I have religion.

Simon the Pharisee was thinking to himself, if this man were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman is touching him. She’s a sinner! The cool thing about Jesus, however, is that he can read our thoughts. He read Simon’s and quickly put him in his place.

I can easily find myself in Simon’s position with both my thoughts and my words. I can quickly forget that Jesus came to this earth for sinners. I can easily forget that I am a sinner, because I tend to make one sin bigger than the other.

Wrong again..

I, Sundi Jo, am a sinner, saved by grace, not by works. My knowledge of Scripture doesn’t make me better than you. My puffed up religious attitude makes me look a moron. Reality check..

Are you passionate and grateful or religious and indifferent? Comment below… 

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