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The Words That Ring in My EarShe stepped through the church doors this morning for the first time in a long time. I was on my way out and saw her pass by.
She smiled and gave me a big hug. She seemed to hold on a little tighter than usual. Perhaps it was because it had been a while since we’d seen each other.
Her hair was fixed beautifully, and her smile seemed to be glowing.
“How are you?” I asked.
“Good,” she said with a smile. “How are you?”
“I’m great! It’s good to see you.”
Off to church she went and off to my car I went.
Six hours later I got the call. She ended her life, just like that.

Suicide. A word that keeps ringing in my ears. 

Just like that life changed. Just like that another addiction battle lost. Just like that, I found 10,000 things to be grateful for.
Today I cry out, “Thank You, Jesus!” That could’ve been me.
I stood on the tipping point once, right where my friend was. I wanted to die. Freedom was too hard to find and I couldn’t fight the battle anymore.

That could’ve been me. 

Those words play over and over in my head. That could’ve been me.
Hold your family tighter today. Don’t look at someone’s smile and just assume everything is ok. Hug strangers. Smile at the clerk behind the checkout counter. Thank God that where you are today is not where you used to be.
Cling to Jesus and never let go.

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