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[guestpost]This is a guest post by Dayna Bickham. She is a writer, speaker and part-time missionary. She just released her first book, Chosen for Purpose: Overcoming Giants and Living Your Dreams. You can find her on Facebook. [/guestpost]
“You are too fat to do anything for the Lord.”
That is what I used to think about myself. That is the lie that played in my head over and over. Who would listen to me?
Americans see a heavy set person and often think of them as lazy. So ministry in America would never be possible, right?

If I went on mission trips, then people might think I was really rich and kidnap me. After all, in third world countries your waist size is a direct sign of how wealthy you must be. I heard that once somewhere. I must be kin to Richie Rich!

We are not alone

Maybe I am the only one who ever felt this way. I mean, no one else thinks of themselves as too fat for something, right? Other people are so much more put together than I am.  Most people like themselves. At least that is what I always thought.
I thought I was the only one. I thought I was alone.
Then I found out God doesn’t look at the outward appearance. He looks at the heart. God doesn’t see a man or a woman. He doesn’t see me as a writer or a missionary. He sees me — his daughter.
His kid. He loves me because I am his.
My worth is not based on my dress size. I am loved just because. (Tweet that)
Because God is love. Because God is gracious. Because nothing I can do will ever make him love me more and nothing could ever make him love me less. He loves me because he loves me.
I found out I never had to feel alone again.
I do not have to be afraid of not fitting in any more. I fit in my Daddy’s arms just fine. I can come to him day or night.

Knowing how much he loves me helps me love myself.

It helps me say no to seconds and yes to romping in a summer rain storm with my sixteen year-old daughter. His love changes everything: even how I see my body.
I know that the world’s definition of beauty is one thing I will never live up to, but now it is something I no longer aspire to. I am letting go of the idea that my skin must always glow and my hair must always be dyed. I will take better care of my body, but I will not be ruled by it any longer.
I am not the sum of my weight – I am worth more than that. (Tweet that, too)
The truth is, you are worth more, too. More than your fear, more than your anxiety and more than the lies holding you back that say, “You can’t.”
The truth is you can. You were made for great things.
Today is the day. Now is the time. You were put here for such a time as this.
Do not let things like dress size, a lack of education, or fear hold you back. Those God calls he equips. You have everything you need to change your life right now.
What are you waiting for?
[reminder]What step can you take today knowing God loves you and fear doesn’t control you? [/reminder]

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