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photo credit: IABoomerFlickr (creative commons)

I’m tough. The walls around my heart are so thick you need a bulldozer to break through. I don’t need you. I don’t want your hugs. I’m doing fine on my own.
What a scary place to be in. I used to be there. I used to wake up day after day with those messages written on my heart. They were all lies.
The truth?
I was a scared little girl inside of those walls begging for someone to help me. I was so desperate for someone to reach out to me, but at the same time I was too afraid to let them in. They would hurt me, just as everyone else in my life had. I couldn’t take the risk of letting one more person get close to my heart.
I’m guest posting over at Relevant Brokeness today. Come over here to read the rest of the post.

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