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Each morning I peruse through a variety of blogs on many different topics, including faith, fitness, and leadership. I’m also constantly reading a thought-provoking book that I’d love to sit over coffee with you and chat about.
Since I can’t have coffee with you every day, I thought’s I’d share some of my favorite blogs, books, and other cool things I find, right here.

[Tweet “If you’re in need of some inspiring weekend reading, start here. “]

Hearing God’s Voice

via Single Matters
As my pastor says, “I’m allergic to this.” Ya, it made me shed a tear or two.
“Are we ready, eager and prepared? Can we be faithful, loyal, and steadfast to what He is quietly asking? And finally, will we be obedient?”
Teandra Knapp shares a heartfelt story of following God’s prompting to encourage a woman at the Burger King drive-thru. Get the tissues out, because what happens next is awesome!

The Elvis is in the Room

We all have hole-fillers in our lives, something we’re trying to fill a void with. Something we long to complete us, when we really know only God can do that.
What’s your elephant in the room? What’s your Elvis in the room?

Out in the Wild

via Amber C. Haines
What if the most freeing thing you know about yourself is that you’re not enough? Is God calling you to rest in Him? Amber C. Haines, author of Wild in the Hollow talks about resting in your “not enough” in the midst of a busy life.

Change Your Negative Self-Talk

via Dayna Bickham
Worthless. Loser. Fatty. Retard. Reject. Weirdo. What do you call yourself? How do you speak to yourself?
These are questions my friend Dayna spoke over herself for over 35 years. I’ve done just the same. She gives some great tips on overcoming your negative self-talk.
[reminder]Do you have any recommended reading you’d like to share? [/reminder]

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