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Each morning I peruse through a variety of blogs on many different topics, including faith, fitness, and leadership. I’m also constantly reading a thought-provoking book that I’d love to sit over coffee with you and chat about.
Since I can’t have coffee with you every day, I thought I’d share some of my favorite blogs, books, and other cool things I find, right here.
Happy reading, my friend.

[Tweet “If you’re in need of some inspiring weekend reading, start here. “]

How to Be Present Where You Are

via Jennifer Rothschild
Are you so distracted with the busyness of life that you’re missing out on important relationships? How about checking your email, text messages, tweets, and Facebook posts while over dinner with a friend?
Ya, I’m guilty, too. Jennifer speaks some great, gentle truth regarding being fully present in our lives and relationships.
She says, “Being present where we are means focusing on the people, place, and purpose right here and now.”

When Rejection Steals the Best of Who I Am

via Lysa Terkeurst
Have you walked away feeling rejected, even thought that may not have been the case?
Lysa shares three perspectives she learned regarding rejection, or the feeling of being rejected: interpretation, believing the best, and clarity.

Here’s What I Learned When My Life Didn’t Pan Out

via Jenny Simmons
Perhaps your life didn’t turn out the way you planned. You’ve hit road bumps, had trials and temptations beyond your wildest nightmares, and been derailed more times than you care to talk about.
Jenny, former lead singer for the Christian band Addison Road, has been there, and she candidly tells her story in this blog.
She gives you permission to not be okay.
“When your life plan doesn’t go the way you thought it would, don’t dismiss the holy seasons of lostness, grieving and re-dreaming.”

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