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Each morning I peruse through a variety of blogs on many different topics, including faith, fitness, and leadership. I’m also constantly reading a thought-provoking book that I’d love to sit over coffee with you and chat about.
Usually I share a few different pieces, but today I just want to focus on one, because…… it’s powerful!
Oh how I wish we could sit down over coffee and chat about how awesome our God is!
Happy reading, my friend.

[Tweet “If you’re in need of some inspiring weekend reading, start here. “]

What I Learned From Being a Vegas Call Girl

by Annie Lobert
“This is all very painful for me to write about. It’s not fun to share with you how naïve, stupid, and brainwashed I was. It’s heartbreaking to actually have to write down that, yes, I really did sell myself to gain love. But I know I’m not the only one, and I know this is not the only way we sell ourselves. How many of us have sold ourselves in a different way without realizing it?”
These are the words from former Vegas call girl and founder of Hookers for Jesus, Annie Lobert. She’s a survivor of more than a decade of sex trafficking, working as an exotic dancer and high-class escort.
Lobert’s story started rough, but it will end well. Here’s why:
“I don’t know where I would be right now had I not surren­dered my life to God. I’d probably be lying somewhere in a sleazy motel room, shooting up and turning tricks while my body fell apart, or in a hospital bed dying of a disease, or lying in an alley somewhere dead. What I do know is that today I am truly alive. I am finally home. I am set free.”
Those words give me goosebumps. Read the full article here.
Want to watch her testimony? Check out the I Am Second video. 
[reminder]Do you have any recommended reading you’d like to share?[/reminder]

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