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God has been doing some serious talking to me about having RADICAL faith, as I stated in a recent blog post. He did it again recently when I visited Brand New Church in Bergman, AR.
Pastor Shannon O’ Dell spoke on a touchy subject. Yes, you guessed it – HELL. It was a sobering sermon.
Here are some statistics about eternity:

  • Over 55 million people will walk into eternity in 2011
  • That breaks down to 150,968 per day
  • 6,792 per hour
  • 95 people per minute

Where do you think the majority of those people are going? Heaven or hell. Shannon talks about it here.
The window of reality has been opened even wider to me lately. People I love are going to hell. What am I doing about it?
God didn’t create hell for people. He created it for Satan and his fall angels. Shannon says, “God doesn’t send people to hell. They choose to go there.” How does that resonate with you? People choose that destination. Before I came to know Christ my choice was hell, because of the life I was living.
When I first became a Christian I was still following my old ways. I had made a decision for my eternity, which was to be with Jesus. But my daily decisions did not show evidence of my destiny. God had to change that in me. I wanted it changed in me.
Eternity is real. Sin is real. Death is real. Hell is real.
Romans 6:23 says For the wages(paycheck) of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
When do we stop worrying about whose religion is better? When do we stop arguing over the logo of a church? When do we start worrying about eternity of those around us? Friends. Family. Co-workers. People we pass by on the street. What about the people who make us grit our teeth? What about those who slander?
I want people to see heaven in me. I want my daily decisions to show where my eternity is.
What message is your daily decisions speaking to others?

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