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I’m taking a sabbatical from blogging for the next few weeks. While I’m gone, I’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers to stand in for me. This is a guest post by Joyce Glass. is a writer, speaker, and lover of God’s word even more than chocolate! Her desire is to encourage you to walk closer to God. Follow Joyce on Twitter (@joyce_glass).

Are you hungry?  When is the last time you missed a meal?  I miss very few!  I may delay them, but I do not miss them.  I love to eat, and my body does not like it when I do not eat!

Photo Credit: Chapendra via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Chapendra via Compfight cc

Depending upon your age, you may remember the old commercial from the 80’s “Eat Your Wheaties” in the morning. Wheaties always had some super athlete on the box, and they wanted you to remember to start you day fueling your body.
As we begin a new year, many people make goals and plans to exercise and eat better to lose weight.  We make plans for our business and finances.

The best plan we need to make is feeding our spiritual body. 

When we feed our Spiritual body, we are better equipped to plan and keep our goals.

Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry,

but those who seek in The Lord will lack no good thing.

~ Psalm 34:10 ~

Are you spiritually hungry for God?  Do you look forward to studying God’s word, praying, and seeing where God wants to take you?

We have spiritual hunger signs like we have food hunger signs.

Spiritual Hunger Signs:
Cranky or Irritable
Focused on what is wrong today
Doubting the situation will ever change
We all have bad days, and life just goes awry.  However, if our time with God is sporadic, then we are not getting the spiritual nutrition our body craves and needs.  If we are spiritually undernourished, our perspective on life is skewed, and we do not have the physical and spiritual energy to handle life situations.
As we feed our spiritual life, we can “Taste and see The Lord is good . . .” (Psalm 34:8). When we feed on God’s word we “lack no good thing” (Psalm 34:10). When painful times come our way “His ears are attentive [to our] cry … He delivers them from all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17).  May favorite verse in Psalm 34 is “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed in Spirit” (Psalm 34:18).
Is your heart broken over your hurting marriage or a desire to be married, a wayward child, physical ailments, or financial struggles?

Our Loving God cares even when our hearts are broken.  He cares about every little detail in our lives.

Read Psalm 34.  As you feed on God’s word, open your heart to listen to His voice today.  He has great news for you.  You are His beloved child.
You and I need God to  daily nourish our hearts and minds.  This post is adapted from iNeed God ~ daily downloads for your heart due to release in February 2014.
You can learn more at  http://iNeedGodbook.com/More.  I am excited to share that every iNeed God Bible Study is going to support Esther’s House of Redemption, and you will be able to donate a Bible Study to an Esther’s House student.  More details will be available on the website www.iNeedGodBook.com. I hope you will join me in supporting Sundi Jo’s ministry.  She has a big heart to help hurting women, and I am thrilled to support her!
I hope you will join me in supporting Sundi Jo’s ministry.  She has a big heart to help hurting women, and I am thrilled to support her!

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