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In the next 18 minutes after you read this, four Americans that are alive will be dead from the food that they eat.

Yes. I said that. Actually, it wasn’t me. It was Jamie Oliver in his Ted talk titled “Teach every child about food.”
Allow me to share some statistics with you regarding obesity in the United States, according to Oliver:

  • Diet-related disease is the biggest killer in the United States, right now, here today.This is a global problem.It’s a catastrophe.It’s sweeping the world.
  •  Obesity costs Americans 10 percent of our healthcare bills, 150 billion dollars a year. In 10 years, it’s set to double: 300 billion dollars a year.
  • Your children are getting fast food everyday, highly processed with additives and ingredients you cannot pronounce.
  • It’s profoundly important that every single American child leaves school knowing how to cook 10 recipes that will save their life.

Now here are some statistics, according to me:

  • When it says fat-free, run.
  • When it says sugar-free, run.
  • We’re an entitled nation looking for a quick fix with food.
  • I’m watching people around me die due to obesity and food addiction.
  • Sugar is killing us.

Are you ready to do something about it? 
Don’t miss this alarming, but true video. It’s only 18 minutes and it’s worth your time. I promise.

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