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Isn’t it interesting how one simple word can mean so much? For the last several years I’ve chosen one word to live by for the year. In the past I’ve chosen trust, intentional, productive, radical, rest, grace. 

Last year I chose grace. I’m great at showing others grace, but not so much myself. I needed a reminder to give myself grace. To let myself fail. To let myself get back up. To treat myself better. To love myself the way Christ loves me. To remember who I am in Christ again. I lost that for a while.

I’ve been asking the Lord for the last month or so what word He wanted me to choose and I just kept hearing Warfare. I asked Him again multiple times just in case He’d made a mistake, but it just keeps coming back. I guess I will embrace it.

That’s a dangerous, yet powerful word.

Dangerous because the enemy hates my guts and wants nothing more than to destroy me. He loves nothing more than to engage in warfare against me.

Dangerous because if I don’t stay aware of my spiritual surroundings and the tactics he uses to try and destroy me, I’ll get myself into trouble quickly.

Dangerous because as I continue to learn about warfare, I can’t go back from it.

Dangerous because He expects me to take what I’ve learned and experienced and share with others… and frankly… it’s friggin uncomfortable.

Ready to find FREEDOM in Christ? Join my free Winning at Warfare Facebook group as we get free together!

Powerful because it will grow me closer to Christ.

Powerful because the more I engage in warfare, the more I’ll become cemented in Who I am in Christ, and the enemy can’t stand up to that.

Powerful because where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. Satan hates freedom, but it’s God’s intention for us.

Powerful because warfare means I’ll be able to see others set free.

I’ve spent the last year plus not only experiencing spiritual warfare, but studying it. The enemy almost destroyed me. I don’t say that lightly. Someday I’ll tell the whole story, but the time isn’t now. Spiritual warfare isn’t just something you see in the movies. It’s real. It’s very real. It’s something we must stop pretending it doesn’t exist. 

So, with that said, now that I’ve “spoken it out loud,” would you pray for me? I know I’ve triggered the enemy to move swiftly against me, but I stand in the power and authority of Jesus Christ and Satan is a stupid fat head, so there’s that?

Have you chosen a word for 2019? If you don’t have one yet, I’ll be praying for God to show you. If you do have one, I’d love for you to share in the comments below. You can also join me and my One Word 365 pals here.

Choose just one word. Go where it takes you. Be who it makes you.

What’s your one word for 2019? Share in the comments below…

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