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The election is over. I’m beyond thrilled. No more commercials, radio advertising, billboards, my mailbox filling up. Most of all, I’m so happy that the Facebook posts are coming to an end.

photo credit: thegiantvermin (creative commons)

I went to bed before the official election results were in. I woke up the next day and learned that Barack Obama had been re-elected. I brushed my teeth the same as I did the day before. I put my pants on one leg at a time, just as I had done the previous day. Nothing had changed. It was still a good morning and God was still large and in charge.
Then I logged onto Facebook and my stomach turned.

My feed was full of comments, mostly negative. Of course that saddened me. What saddened me more, however, was that I couldn’t tell the Christians from the Non-Christians.
As Christians, we’re called to be salt and light to the world. We’re supposed to leave those who don’t know Christ hungry for more. Sadly, I have the feeling that the comments I read left a bitter taste in the mouth of those without Christ. That breaks my heart.
Unfortunately, many times, when one Christian leaves that bitter taste, others’ view of Christians gets skewed. That means when I do something that doesn’t shine the light of Christ, my Christian brother and sister sometimes has to deal with the after effects of my decision. It may not be fair, but it’s the way it is.
It was hard to find the light in my Facebook feed. There were a few comments I could pick out, but unfortunately, the majority were awful. Christians accusing other people of being racist because they voted for Mitt Romney. Christians proclaiming how stupid Barack Obama is and that this country is “going to hell in a handbasket.”
Christians reminding their friends that all hope is lost, especially regarding our health care. Our children have no future. People made a mistake. The list goes on and on and on.
Last time I checked our hope wasn’t in the President, or any government leader for that matter.
Last time I checked our hope was in God.
Last time I checked we’re to honor those put in authority over us, whether we agree with their principles or not.
Are we as Christians doing that? If not, it’s time to get it together. Non-believers are watching us. They want to see if we’re walking the walk, not just talking the talk.
Are we spreading light or blowing bulbs out with our negativity and disrespect? (Tweet That)
When another Christian makes poor choices, without an ounce of remorse or care about how others will see that, it directly affects me. The same goes for me. I’ve made many poor decisions that have caused non-believers to want to look the other way. We all have to do a better job of paying attention.
We MUST represent Christ, not ourselves. 
It’s time. Today. Whether it’s about an election or a movie, we are to be the light. No more excuses. No more hate. No more.
I’d love your input. Are we leaving non-believers thirsty for more or leaving a bad taste in their mouth? Leave a comment below…

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