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On my recent running adventure on the gym treadmill, I went from excited to defeated in a matter of seconds.

Photo Credit: mikebaird via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: mikebaird via Compfight cc

The woman on the treadmill next to me, who I like to call “Crazy Treadmill Lady,” was going 5,000 mph. (It was actually 7.5, but for dramatization’s sake, we’ll go with 5,000.)
I was excited about the progress I was making at 4.5 mph until I looked over and saw how fast she was going. All of a sudden, I felt like I couldn’t compare. What was the point of me even going to the gym if I couldn’t keep up with her?
Watch the video to learn how God quickly changed my heart from comparing myself to cheering her on.

Comparison steals joy. Let’s put an end to it. (Tweet that)
Galatians 6:4 says,

Let everyone be sure to do his very best, for then he will have the personal satisfaction of work done well and won’t need to compare himself with someone else. (LB)

Yikes. We can’t find satisfaction and do our best for God when we’re disrespecting what He’s blessed us with and desiring what He’s given to someone else.
Where do you find yourself comparing to others? How did God draw your heart back to Him? Share in the comments…

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