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This is a guest post by Lauralee Hudson.  She is a humanitarian photographer, writer, and speaker. Known as a “camera & word slinger” Lauralee has a vibrant passion for sharing the power of His Holy Spirit. Find her on Twitter and Facebook. Interested in guest posting? Check out the details here.

Definition of PERSEVERANCE: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition : the action or condition or an instance of persevering: steadfastness

There I was sitting in my car… in line…waiting.
I glanced up and saw the MOST amazing thing.  A tree that had most assuredly gone through years of growth—and had made it—despite all odds.  It had broken through concrete blocks that had purposely been built to keep it out, to hold it down and not just one block of concrete…but layers. WoW!

It so reminded me of life—my life—your life.  We are often called to persevere through circumstances, relationships, finances, jobs, labels, situations, physical and emotional hindrances…
Think of the concrete blocks in your life.
What are they?
Who are they?
Why are they?
It’s funny that two people can look at the same thing (even situations) and see two entirely different things. I showed my photo to several friends and some reacted with dismay.  All they could see was the damage the tree had done to the wall.
We go through life like that, don’t we? Judging the tree that persevered. Asking, “Is there any value to this tree? Will it make a great shade for others? Is it strong enough to weather life’s storms?”
Do we see strength of perseverance or only the damage? (Tweet that)
And which are we?  The concrete blocks weighing ourselves and possibly others down?  Or the tree—focused, pushing upward, living between the mortars of life?
The tree speaks to my heart. I am encouraged and hope you are too. Reminding us to keep growing through the seasons and keep focusing upwards!
Lifting our eyes and life to Him.
What are some of the concrete blocks currently in your life? Share in the comments below…

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