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I’m always looking for ways to simplify my life. Usually I look for ways to do it, but it doesn’t go beyond that. I find ideas to implement, then I toss them aside. God’s been working on that with me. He’s been showing me lately I have to create more margin in my life to make room for His work. Parts of it have been easy; other parts not so much.

photo credit: byronnewmedia (creative commons)

Using my “no muscle” as Henry Cloud and John Townsend refer to it, isn’t always easy. Deep down I’m a people pleaser. I enjoy serving others and making them happy. But that can wear me out and keep me from pursuing the calling God has put on my life.
I don’t want to be busy, I want to be productive. The more simple my life is, the more productive I can be.

I recently finished readingย Simple Living – 30 days to less stuff and more life,ย and it’s prompted me to stop waiting. In the book, author Lorilee Lippincott gives you 30 challenges, broken up daily, that if done correctly, will simplify your life. She covers everything from cleaning off your counters to tidying up your junk drawers. It’s a pretty challenging book.
Everything we do isn’t always popular, but sometimes necessary.ย Go ahead and tweet that.
With all that said, one of the ways I’ll be simplifying my life is taking my Facebook profile back to the basics. As of today I have over 1400 friends. Really? I don’t talk to half of them. I haven’t seen many of them in over 10 years. I want to interact with my friends, not my “friends”. God is trying to make more room in my life and that includes cutting out the time I spend scrolling through my news feed, getting updated on the lives of people I barely know.
I still want to stay in touch with people, and I plan to do that through my Facebook fan page. I’ll still post quotes, blog posts, share others’ information, and more. I also understand this will offend people. But I’m being led to simplify my life, and that’s what I’m choosing to do.
I’d love your input. Do you think I’m taking simplifying too far or have you done something similar? Leave a comment below…ย 

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