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It seems like the majority of families that I encounter say that after faith, family is the most important thing in their lives. If that’s the case, then it makes sense that we would want to do everything in our power to intentionally develop our families into being, doing, and having our very best.
Although a lot of us are “doing ok” as a family —some better than others— I think if we’re honest, we all know deep down that we could do better, but it’s hard to know where to focus our attention to start.
That’s why I am so excited to share with you a great way to get your family focused on what really matters: the 7-Day Family Challenge from Ziglar Family!

Starting on March 27th, Mark Timm, CEO of Ziglar Family, and his team will be bringing to your inbox each day 7 leading experts sharing their proven, practical advice to help your family experience 7 specific “wins” in just 7 days!
You’ll be hearing from some of my favorite people:

  • Dr. Gary Chapman (relationships)
  • Michael & Gail Hyatt (communication)
  • Dr. Josh Axe (physical health)
  • Tony Dungy (work/life balance)
  • Brian Buffini (community)
  • Dave Ramsey (finances)
  • and Zig Ziglar’s own children – Cindy, Julie, and Tom (spirituality/faith).

This challenge is a free, fun, highly-motivating experience designed to help today’s families enjoy a more fulfilling family life.
[shareable cite=”Sundi Jo”]A lot of us are just doing okay but what if we could be great?[/shareable]
Click here to learn more and join the challenge today!
[reminder]What area of your life would you like to improve on in communicating with those you love? [/reminder]

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