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Since Liar Liar is available on Amazon Kindle only, I won’t be traveling around the world signing the autograph you’ve been standing in line for 30 minutes to have me sign. (Okay I’m dreaming, I know)

photo credit: jm3 (creative commons)

But I am doing an online book tour…
I’m trying to spread the word about this manifesto without leaving home to do it. Do you think we can do it together?

I’d like to do an online book tour with you, if you’re up for it. If you’ve got a blog, website, podcast, YouTube channel, or some online platform, I’d love to connect with you to share the message of my new manifesto, Liar Liar
If you’re interested, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Email me at info@sundijo.com. In the subject line, include “Liar Liar Book Tour.” In the body, share why I should visit your blog/website and what you want to do (e.g. giveaway, contest, Q&A, etc.). Cutoff date for submissions will be Nov. 21.
  2. Include a few dates that work for your schedule. I’ll get back to you about setting up a time to chat.
  3. Publish the post, interview, or whatever. Once it goes live, I’ll link to your post and share via social media.

That’s it! You don’t need a big platform to be eligible. More than anything, I’m looking for fun ideas to get the word out about the manifesto while still staying in my pajamas.

First stops on the tour

I’ve made a few stops so far. Here are a few places I’ve stopped to share about Liar Liar already (these are guest posts, interviews, etc.):

You can also read reviews of the manifesto here. I’d love to hear what ideas you have for the online book tour.
Leave in the comments below…

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