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I love to read. If I’m not reading a book, I’m usually talking about one.
I also love to say yes when someone asks me to review a book. Afterall, there’s nothing better than getting a free book, right?
A couple of weeks ago I received a book in the mail with a letter thanking me for offering to review the advanced copy. My first thought was, Crap! I don’t have time to read this book by the date she needs it. I’ve got to stop offering to review books. 

The worst part? The author’s name rang a bell but I couldn’t for the life of me remember where I had met her, or when I had agreed to review the book. Shh.. don’t tell her that. I hesitantly pulled the book from the package and after reading the title, something in me felt urged to read it.
Dr. Rita Hancock asked this question on the back cover, “What’s keeping you from total wellness?” It caught my attention. From the moment my eyes hit the first page, I knew God was going to use this book to change the lives of so many, including mine.
Radical Well-being: A biblical guide to overcoming pain, illness, and addictionsdescribes so many things I worked through during the year I spent at the Table Rock Freedom Center, a discipleship program for women. From focusing on inner healing to believing the truth about who we really are, this book took me on a journey of emotions I wasn’t expecting.

We believe too many lies about who we are.

Everything we think isn’t truth, especially the lies that our past tells us. Small childhood events can turn into adult traumas and before we know it life has spun out of control. It doesn’t have to be that way though. Stress and lies don’t have to control our lives if we don’t allow them to.

There is more to each of us than meets the eye.

It’s easy to forget there is more to us than just the body, or the mind. Our mind, body, and spirit are connected. One doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to without the other.

It’s possible to see life through God’s eyes.

The prince of the world, also known as the accuser, is continually whispering lies to us. The next thing you know we’re falling into some type of harmful behavior, whether drug addiction or overeating. What if we stopped believing the lies that cause us to do these things and traded those for the truth God wants us to know?
As Dr. Hancock writes,

You have to know what you are to know what you’re not.

We can’t just take a few thoughts captive.

We have to take them all captive. Whether bitterness is taking root, or the need to be in control is our top priority, there is something deeper inside that needs to be changed. Forgiveness is the answer to bitterness, but how do you get there? It might be easier than you think.

There is healing in your future.

Your true identity is waiting to be revealed. Emotional and physical healing are waiting to happen. If you think physical problems aren’t related to emotional issues, there is so much to learn.
Sometimes it takes inner healing to break through and be set free. I know it worked for me, even if it did feel awkward when I first started.
I wasn’t expecting to have the reaction to this book that I did, but at the end of each chapter I found myself asking God to show me if there was something standing in the way of not only my physically healing in areas, but if there was still emotional healing that needs to take place. I’m not sure what journey he is preparing to take me on, but I have a feeling there are still some things he wants to show me.
I usually don’t go this in-depth about a book, but this isn’t just another book. It’s truth, grace, healing, and so much more wrapped into one. It’s an opportunity to heal from your past and move forward to a better future.
I can’t thank Rita enough for investing the time into writing this book (affiliate link), as I know that each person willing to pick it up and read it cannot walk away without being changed in one way or another.
Is God showing you an area in your life where you still need healing? Please share in the comments below….

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