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Someone asked me yesterday about my pet peeves. I told them that judging others bothered me. I had never given much thought about the things that bothered me about others. I just knew what I liked and didn’t like.

  • Judgmental people.
  • Drama.
  • Arrogance.
  • People who can’t just get to the point.

These are just a few. But I found myself last night doing these very things that I hate, which brings up another one of my pet peeves, hypocrites. I got a wake up call last night – one I don’ t feel proud to admit.

Before I turned the lights out last night I had marked off three of the things on my list. I was a judgmental, overly dramatic, hypocrite! And here I sit today with a dose of reality, thanking Jesus for His willingness to forgive and wipe my slate clean.

I’m carrying my mirror around today, reminding myself that before I take my next journey on judging someone else’s character, perhaps I should check my own blemishes.

Visit Matthew 7:1-5 for a friendly reminder. I love the way The Message defines it.

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