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Hey, get your act together! You need to look good, feel good, and be good. Anything other than that is a disgrace.
Don’t you feel like the world tells us that sometimes? What if we really didn’t have to try so hard to please the rest of the world?
What if vulnerability became the new sexy? Not the skinny, airbrushed chicks on the cover of magazines, but the real, raw, everyday peeps who live their lives with struggles, disappointments, and victories?

In her video, Colbie Caillat paints a beautiful picture of exactly what the world needs – less trying and more you.

She says,

You don’t have to try so hard
You don’t have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don’t have to change a single thing

If we stopped trying hard to please others, wiped the facades off our faces, and just learned to be who God made us to be, the world would be a safer place.

It’s my goal to take the first step in being vulnerable. Maybe if I go first, you’ll go next. I don’t want to be afraid to be me. I don’t want you to be either.

No, I’m not saying you need to leave the house everyday without makeup, or stop dressing up, or buying things for yourself. I just want you to be proud of who you are, my friend, because you are BEAUTIFUL!

[Tweet “Do you like you? If not, it’s time you did.”] 

Look into the mirror, at yourself. Don’t you like you? Cause I like you. 

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