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Hey everyone.. I’m guest posting for Mel’s World today on the subject of intimacy. Check it out here.. 

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The Vineyard Of Prayer
From Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts
Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. – Romans 8:27
O My Child, the days are heavy with burdens, burdens that need to be borne upon the shoulders of faithful prayer warriors. Where are those who are willing to make themselves available to the Spirit for this ministry? The planted Word will dry up like carelessly strewn seed if it is not watered with tears of intercession. You cannot in yourself lay this ministry upon your soul, but you can make room in your life for time apart with Me; and as you place yourself at the disposal of the Holy Spirit, He will use you as a channel when the needs arise.
Nothing is more needful at this present hour than prayer that draws its power from full operation under the direction and unction of the Holy Spirit.
I am calling My Spirit-filled believers to concentrated labor in this, the vineyard of prayer. Hidden from human eyes, it is wide open to heaven; and the saints in heaven join with you in this operation God’s love.
Other ministries you must carry on alone, but in this you have a mutual fellowship, for those in heaven have also an intercessory ministry for their brothers and sisters yet on earth.
Rejoice to be granted the privilege of so sacred a task. Count it most precious, and guard against the intrusion of distractions. Nothing of all that you can do for Me is more important in My sight. Cherish it and cultivate it. Live in prayer, and you will know a full life of joy and the remuneration of My blessing!
As I was preparing to write this blog I was talking with my mom about the day she almost died in 2006. I remember watching her laying there, helpless, not able to breathe on her own. I was scared to death. We were all new Christians and wasn’t sure how to handle this situation. But I immediately began to pray. My step-dad prayed. My friends prayed. My church prayed. I believe the prayer never stopped. Almost a week later, after being told she wouldn’t survive the night, we wheeled Mom out of the hospital to bring her home. You will never convince me that prayer wasn’t the reason for that.
I love that God calls us to be faithful prayer warriors. It’s a privilege really. I see that now that I have dealt with my insecurities regarding my prayer life and not praying “well enough.” Malarkey!
I’m learning that when God calls me to pray, I need to do it right then. I came home last Sunday with plans to write, nap, and enjoy my day. But God laid on my heart a particular person to pray for. It was a friend’s husband. I wanted to do it later, but God pretty much prompted me to do it “now.” I’m learning obedience is the best route to take, so I agreed to do it then.
But it wasn’t just a prayer. God led me to Scriptures to pray over him. Before I knew it I was reading through passages, praying over my friend with God’s Word, not my own. It felt very empowering. God was calling me to stand in the gap for this man and I was happy to do so.
I counted it a “privilege of so sacred a task.”
God says to “live in prayer.”
What does living in prayer look like to you? Comment below… 

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