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photo credit: justthatliz (creative commons)

This past weekend was monumental for many reasons. I’m sure I’ll be blogging about all the things to come in the future.
I was reminded again of the transformation God does when we allow Him to.
Saturday I attended my ten year class reunion. I was a little bit nervous, but more excited than anything. I was going to see people I hadn’t seen in a while. Not only had I changed physically, but I was a different person all around.
I stayed with some friends I had graduated with. They were high school sweethearts and they now have three sons. As I watched their entertaining, chaotic family, I couldn’t help but smile. They were living life, and living it to the fullest. I was inspired.
Then the coolest thing happened…
Sunday morning we all climbed in the Suburban to head to church. We jammed out to worship songs on our way. The last time I was in a car with the happily married couple, things were very different. I don’t think any of us were sober. We partied like rock stars when we were younger.
I sat in church and the guy I partied with in high school, who is now a proud father of three and an amazingly Godly husband, was serving me communion. It was really hard for me to hold back the tears. We all sat in that church worshiping God together. I looked at his wife in amazement at just how far the three of us had come.
I have always struggled with the fear that my past would bite me in the butt. But it doesn’t have to if I don’t allow it to. I can use it to be reminded of God’s grace and mercy for me. For my friends. They haven’t allowed their past to determine their future and I’m so blessed to be a part of their lives.
I am so blessed to call them not only friends, but my brother and sister in Christ.
What has God changed in you? I would love for you to share. Comment below…

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