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photo credit: robinjp (creative commons)

I know you’ve heard that phrase before. I’m sure you’ve said it before. I know I have.

  • People make you feel stupid
  • Someone made you mad
  • He made me watch that stupid show
  • She made me go shopping
  • They made her cry

You get the point. I used to think that way. People were always making me do something. One day a few years ago I was walking with a friend, venting about a job interview I had. It didn’t go the way I wanted.

“He made me feel like an idiot.

I’ll never forget her looking at me and saying, “People can’t make you feel. You choose to feel that way.” I was not impressed with her answer! Why? Because she was right.
Others can’t make you feel something…
If they could then you wouldn’t be in control of yourself. Others would be running your life for you. God didn’t make us for others to control our lives, and that includes our emotions and the way we feel about things.
So, if I choose to feel stupid it’s because I’m not believing the truth about who I am. Who am I? Who are you? Check out this list to help you. If I get mad, it’s because I choose to do so. If you watch a show with your husband you don’t enjoy, it’s your choice. Maybe do it because you love him, not because you feel you have to. The same goes for you men when shopping with your wife.
Our emotions can control us or we can control them. Either way we go, we are making a choice.
What will you choose to feel today? Comment below…

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