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There are two words I want you to hear today. I want you to repeat them out loud over and over again. Everything hinges on these two words. And when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING about our freedom.

But Jesus…. 

As we unpack those two powerful words, let’s read Ephesians 1:7 to gain a better understanding. (If you’d rather skip the text and watch the video, you can click here.)

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.

There are four things in that statement I want to unpack: 1)Redemption. 2)The blood of Jesus. 3)Forgiveness. 4)The riches of God’s grace. We’re going to start with #3 first, because why do things in that order? That’s so boring.

The Forgiveness of Sins

There’s a woman I can’t wait to meet when I get to heaven. The Bible doesn’t give her a name. She’s just called “The Unnamed Woman” in Luke 7:36-50.

This broken woman shows up, despite what anyone may think about her, and washes the feet of Jesus with her tears. As she finishes Jesus say, “Your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”

Jesus didn’t give her a checklist of things she needed to do to be forgiven. He simply said, “Your faith has saved you.” Forgiven.

But Jesus… But Jesus… But Jesus…


My favorite definition of redemption is vindication. There’s something so powerful about that word. This unnamed woman was vindicated the moment Jesus forgave her. She was no longer defined by her past. She was redeemed.

This woman, a prostitute, who sold her body to multiple men for a living, was no longer defined by what she did. She was now defined by who she was – redeemed in Christ. Christ offered her a way out and she chose it. God will always offer us a way out, but we have to choose it. 

But Jesus… But Jesus… But Jesus… 

The Riches of God’s Grace

We CANNOT earn God’s love. It’s impossible. Instead He says, “Come to me. I want to offer you grace.

I want you to see how much I love you.
I want to give you riches money can’t buy.
I want relationship with you.
I don’t want to focus on what you’ve done.
I want to focus on where you’re going from here.
I see the future version of you that you can’t see yet.

Will you trust me enough to take my hand and walk in grace?”

Grace is a free gift to us, but it costs Jesus every thing.

But Jesus… But Jesus… But Jesus… 

[ctt template=”3″ link=”2Vfdl” via=”yes” ]God will always offer you a way out, but you have to choose it.[/ctt]

Through His Blood

Jesus died so we could be redeemed. He was beaten beyond recognition, knowing every single sin I would commit, yet He chose to die anyway. He knew every single man that woman would sleep with, but He chose to die for her anyway.

And not only did He die for us, He wants relationship with us. That’s grace.And the riches of grace constantly shows up in our lives.

Because of His blood, I am forgiven. I am redeemed. And I am walking in the riches of His grace.

But Jesus… But Jesus… But Jesus…

I don’t know where you are today.

Maybe you’re still recovering from that hangover.
Maybe you’re sitting in the shame of the one-night-stand you can’t seem to recover from.
Maybe you’ve sold your body to another man.
Maybe you can’t stop shooting up because you can’t begin to face the pain you’ve been through.
Maybe you wake up everyday with the image of that abortion in your head.
Maybe you can’t get past the heartbreak of that divorce.
Maybe you continue to hide behind food so people can’t see the real you.

Maybe you’re so overwhelmed with life you don’t even know how to take a deep breath anymore.

Can I say this?

But Jesus… But Jesus… But Jesus…

To watch my full teaching, titled “At the Feet of Jesus,” view above or click here.

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