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Go Ahead, Get Angry

Go Ahead, Get Angry

This is a guest post by Allison Vesterfelt. Allison is a writer, managing editor of Prodigal Magazine and author of Packing Light: Thoughts on Living Life with Less Baggage (Moody, 2013). She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband Darrell. You can follow her daily on Twitter or Facebook

My best friend in college lost her dad when we were juniors. He was struck by cancer for the second time around Halloween that year. I still remember getting the call. We were in the kitchen making sandwiches and I had just reached in the fridge for a Diet Coke, when our home phone rang, back when home phones were a thing. I only heard her end of the conversation but I knew right away something was wrong.

The Cancer was back.

Hopes were high. He’d beat it once before, and everyone knew he could do it again. But his body must have been tired this time around because, by Christmas, he was gone.

We All Need a Carolyn

We All Need a Carolyn

Most Sundays I stand up at church and worship with some pretty talented people on stage.

photo credit: marilynjane (creative commons)

photo credit: marilynjane (creative commons)

Since I live in Branson, Missouri, the live music capital of the world, I’m kind of spoiled with professional musicians and singers standing on stage each week creating amazing musical art. Regardless of their day jobs though — it’s what I see inside of them that draws me closer to God.
One woman in particular, Carolyn, stands there Sunday after Sunday belting out the most beautiful songs you could imagine. I swear if she would sing me to sleep every night I’d sleep like a rock. She’s declined thus far, but I’ll keep asking.

Becoming a Life Changer

Becoming a Life Changer

This is a guest post by Tammy Helfrich. She is a blogger and life changer at tammyhelfrich.com. She’s written a new eBook I’m excited for you to learn about.

Becoming a Life ChangerInspiring stories motivate me. It’s what drew my attention to Sundi Jo. She has an incredible story, and she is using it to help and inspire others.

I believe these stories need to be told. I look at Sundi Jo’s story and think, “If she can lose the weight she needed to, maybe I can do the same!” When we see someone who has worked hard to achieve a goal and who shares honestly about how difficult it was, we can usually relate.
Why You Just Might be the Problem

Why You Just Might be the Problem

You’re not losing weight. Your relationships seem to be going nowhere. You’re still at the bottom of the ladder at your job, with no hopes of climbing anytime soon. God isn’t answering your prayers. Nothing goes right in your life.

photo credit: gogoloopie

photo credit: gogoloopieGo

What if the reason things aren’t going well in life is because of you?
That may be hard to swallow at first glance, I know, but think about it for a minute.

Fighting Through Food Addiction

Fighting Through Food Addiction

I was always overweight. Eating was my way to cope. I ate when I was sad. I ate to celebrate. I rummaged through the cupboard when I was bored.  Surprisingly, though, I had no idea I had a food addiction. I guess you could say the denial ran deep.

photo credit: reallyboring

I remember the day it hit me. It was March 2009, and I had been eating healthy and losing weight in the last five months. My best friend was getting married, and I was the maid of honor. The wedding was a month away, and I had to have my dress taken in several times. I was excited!
But the excitement wouldn’t last long. My dad passed away unexpectedly in February, and the wound was still very fresh. Actually, I was in denial to the fact that he was gone.

Hi, My Name Is…Grace

Yesterday was a good day for me in the blogosphere and I wanted to share with you in case you didn’t get to read.
I was priviledged to guest post over at Jon Stolpe’s place on the topic of grace.
Here’s an excerpt from that post:

Do you ever convince yourself that grace is for other people, not for you? That when God was creating our very existence, He wrote your name down on a napkin and said, “Everyone but you will get my grace.” I’m yet to find that in Scripture, but so easily believe it to be true.

What a gift grace is! Click here to read the entire post, and I’d love for you to join the conversation.
Then I joined Eileen Knowles at The Scenic Route to talk a little bit about my new manifesto, Liar Liar
Here’s a teaser of that post for you too:

Satan has a blast filling our minds with pictures that may display themselves at true, but if we were too look closer, we could see the lies for what they really are.

Head over there and take the commitment to believe truth with me today.
Thanks for reading and for being super awesome!

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