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In August, my best friend Jammie and I started a Bible Study, diving into “Authority in Prayer” by Dutch Sheets. We had no idea what God had in mind, but we knew that if we showed up, He would show up. And just wow! Has He ever!

For the last four months, we’ve sat around each Wednesday morning at Coffee on the Rocks in Hollister, Mo., studying the Word of God, learning what walking in the true authority of Christ looks like, laughing, crying, and all the things.

We’ve had discussions that would make the church uncomfortable yet remained focused on Jesus. (Sit in that statement for a second.) We’ve had hard conversations. We’ve overcome offenses and fear.

We’ve seen spiritual warfare happen right before our very eyes, and we’ve seen the power of God do His thing, all while sipping a cup of coffee. And we’re only in chapter seven of the book.

We didn’t have anyone in mind when we decided to host this study. We just posted on Facebook, invited peeps to join us, and waited. Each Wednesday morning, we gather with women from different churches and walks of life. Man, is it a beautiful thing!

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In the last four months, God has changed me, and He’s done it through watching and growing in the Word with these beautiful women. Wednesday mornings are my favorite day of the week.

This morning, Jammie and I changed things up a bit and had the honor of serving these beautiful souls breakfast. We shared what we want to experience with God in 2024, talked about our identities in Christ as we continue to walk in the authority God has called us to, and took communion together. I wish I could package it up and sell it to you, but it’s pretty priceless.

If you’re not in a community, find one.

If you’re not having conversations with people who challenge you, start having them.

If you’re not laughing with strangers who quickly become friends, start now.

If you’re not surrounding yourself with people who will encourage you, call you up, and love you well, go out and find those people. They exist, I promise.

Community is beautiful!

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