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I couldn’t think of a better way to wrap up Season 2 than doing an interview with one of the coolest people out there, my friend Jill. 

She has written a memoir full of powerful, raw, gritty truth, and it’s gonna rock your world. I’m inspired by her bravery to tell her story so that others can find healing. Secrets of the Little Green-Eyed Girl, Digging up the Roots of Shame and Guilt, is a book of hope. A book about learning to walk daily in the freedom of being forgiven and clean. 

One of the reasons I wanted to have Jill on to talk about the book is because so much of our struggles with weight loss is tied to shame, for many of us anyway, myself included. I’ve met so many women who have spent years of their lives eating their shame away. Again, myself included. 

But God did not design us to live our lives this way. In the book, Jill shares her powerful story of God’s forgiveness. And she shares a part of her journey of secrets that she feared would destroy her. She’s pulling back the covers to show what kept her bound and tied to the darkness of shame, as well as sharing the victories, in hopes to inspire you to keep pushing forward.

Listen here..

Links in this episode:

Secrets of the Little Green-Eyed Girl
Diet Haters University
Diet Haters Facebook Community
4 Simple Steps to Weight Loss

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