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Perhaps you’ve heard the verse before.. Proverbs 4:23, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”

Maybe today’s the first day you’ve ever heard it. That’s okay, too. 

Either way, we’re going to dive into this passage together and learn how to guard our heart the proper way, which means everything for us in every area of our lives, not just weight loss. But.. If we want to get healthy and stay that way, we must work on our hearts. Otherwise, our results will only be temporary. 

I’ve been reading this book from Annie F. Downs, called Perfectly Unique: Love Yourself Completely, Just As You Are. It’s so good for so many reasons, but when I got to the chapter focused on the heart, I knew we needed to have a deeper talk about it.

Our hearts matter for so many reasons. Taking care of it is vital for all parts of us – physically, and for our soul (our mind, will, and emotions). If we don’t take care of the hearts God gave us, we’re going to wind up in trouble in every area of our lives. 

In the words from Annie F. Downs in Perfectly Unique, we’re going to talk about “the inner heart, the place in you that you know so well… the secret place that houses your inner deepest wants, your secret crushes, and those most painful memories and hurts. That’s the one we want to focus on here, because that heart is the core of who you are as a person – as you.” 

We’re going to dissect (sorry, I couldn’t help myself), the four chambers of the heart in this episode.

So, if you’re ready to learn some exciting things on how to guard your heart, listen here..

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“I love that Sundi Jo is willing to be vulnerable with her own story in order to inspire others.”<– If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — to learn how to stop dieting, lose weight, find lasting results, and learn their true identities in Christ! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I don’t want you to miss out on what’s to come. We’re going to have fun, my friend! Follow now!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Sundi Jo’s Favorites
Energy Bits
Perfectly Unique
Diet Haters Facebook Group
Sundi Jo on Instagram
Email SJ About March Momentum

Join the March Make Your Own Momentum Community

Starting in March, I’ll be leading the Make Your Own Momentum community. We’ll be doing 30 days of life together, learning about how to create routines so you can build momentum that allows you to reach your goals quicker and easier! We’ll talk morning routines to get you feeling good for the day, evening routines to help you unwind, routines for meal planning & prepping, and there will be daily motivation to keep you moving towards a life of consistency! 

We’ll also be diving more into the 2B Mindset I mentioned earlier and learning how to stop dieting together. 

If you’re interested, send me a direct message on Instagram or shoot me an email at sj@sundijo.com. I’d love for us to make our own momentum together! 

Heartwork Questions

  1. Do you have one or two or more close friends who have access to your heart? What about them makes you feel safe enough to let them in? 
  2. If you answered no to that question, make a list of 3-5 people who you feel like you could trust with the inner parts of your heart. 
  3. Reach out to them for coffee, lunch, a walk, something.. And ask them if they’d be willing to be a safe, loving person in your life. Let them know you’re working on guarding your heart well and letting the right people in, and that you would like for them to be one of those people. 
  4. Do you struggle to allow God to love you? If so, go to Him in prayer and ask Him to show you why. 
  5. Is there something you need to forgive God for? If so, tell Him. He can handle it. Ask Him what steps you need to take to work through that hurt with Him so that there are no barriers in your relationship with Him.


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