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I was having coffee with my step-dad the other morning and we were talking about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I’m kidding, but that sounded good. We were actually talking about vacations to exotic locations where you have to eat foods you can’t pronounce and exactly how he planned on talking my mom into doing that.

As we continued to talk he said something that burdened my heart for both him and so many of us in this world. He said, “I’ve spent my whole life planning for the future and now the future is here and I wish I would’ve spent more time living in the present.”

Tom, or Tommy, as I like to call him, has always been a wise guy. Not like Three Stooges wise, but wise with his financial decisions. Because of that, he and my mom are about to embark on some fun adventures where they’ll be spending my entire inheritance trying to get my mom to try foods she can’t pronounce. But in the process of preparing, he forgot to spend some of his life living.

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We’re all guilty, right? We can get so caught up in planning that we forget to focus on the right now. We get so caught up in the future that we forget the present is just that, a present – a gift.

Here’s what I told Tommy as we decided perhaps they should embark on a vacation a little less exotic for this redneck family, and what I’m going to preach to myself and share with you. It’s never too late to start living in the present. As long as we’re still breathing, we still have a second chance. 

Plan for the future, yes. There is so much value in creating a life plan. God tells us to be wise. I think He even says to leave an inheritance for your children. Hint hint Tommy. 

I’m certainly attracted to a man who wants to provide a stable future for his family. But don’t forget to live for today. Enjoy a sunrise with your grandkids. Watch the sunset with your best friend of 20 years over a glass of wine. Put your phone down and soak in the laughter around the dinner table with your family. Take your grandma to Bingo and listen to her tell you about stories from 60 years ago. I promise one day you won’t regret it.

One day living the present will be part of your past. One day we’ll all look back and get to decide if our lives were lived with regret or lived with purpose. It’s never too late to decide to live on purpose.

Where do you need to start living on purpose today?

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