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As I prepare to close out a decade and dive into another one, I’ve been reflecting a lot.

Wow, I’m about to say goodbye to my 30’s. A lot has happened in the last 10 years. I’ve experienced so many losses but also gained so so much.

Moving back to my hometown of Belle (kicking and screaming).
The loss of two mentors (Gary Smalley & Scott-Arthur Allen) almost simultaneously.
Growing with a new church family and watching God change hearts in Celebrate Recovery.
Watching that same church fall apart because of pride, discord, gossip, and hurting people hurting people.
Making friends that you know will always be there for you.
The loss of friendships I never saw coming.
Healing of past trauma that made me despise my hometown.
Watching God change hearts because of His story of redemption in my life.
The death of my step-mom.
Black mold that almost wiped me out.
Healing from the aftereffects of the mold.
More healing in my heart as God continued to work through past trauma.
Strengthened relationships with family.
Heartbreak and broken relationships with family.
Loving my best friend through both the ups and downs of foster care.
Playing a part in the miracle of adoption and becoming the best aunt ever.
I met the man I thought I would marry and picked up the pieces after heartbreak.
Losing my job and getting it back an hour later because, well, God… (Powerful story for another day)
The death of my friend by suicide.
Planting flowers with my grandma Virginia.
Watching a ministry God called me to tumble to the ground from the actions of people I trusted.
Resting in His promises of justice instead of defending myself.
Watching God bring that justice through apologies a few years later.
The death of two dogs.
Teaching men and women in prison how to find their value so they no longer have to stay stuck in their pasts.
God renewed my desire to pursue songwriting as more than just a hobby.
Skin removal surgery.
The death of my aunt Sherri.
A renewed relationship with family I never expected.
God calling me back to Branson without the complete picture of why.
Leaving Belle behind after 7 years with a grateful heart for what God did, along with a sadness to leave my hometown.
I walked with my best friend through months of watching her husband almost lose his life due to illness.
Seeing God do a miracle in their lives.
I prayed for my stepdad to walk out of the fire from the enemy’s attacks and see him rise out of the ashes.
Finding a new church family.
Experiencing spiritual warfare at a whole new level.
Fighting for a friendship I never thought I’d have to fight for.
The death of my grandpa Wimp.
The death of my aunt Vicki.
God called me to not just write songs but pursue the calling of creating music as an artist.
Alpha-gal and other health struggles.
3 single-song contracts, 2 music releases, relationship building with people in the music business, and a partridge in a pear tree.

I have so much to be thankful for! The last 10 years have been both challenging and incredible.

I’ve experienced devastation, and I’ve seen miracles. And this I know… I would not have survived my 30s without God’s protection. Without clinging to Him like my life depended on it because my life depended on it.

At 39, I know things I didn’t know at 30. And as I prepare to embark on my 40s, I’ll learn something I didn’t know in my 30s.

I am so blessed – blessed by so many things I don’t deserve, but God’s goodness is well… so so good.

Here’s to saying goodbye to my 30s and H.E.L.L.O. to a new decade of awesomeness!

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