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Step Away from that Diet

Step Away from that Diet

Step Away from That Diet Five Simple Steps to Help You Lose Weight and Gain the Confidence You’ve Been Searching For Download Today! Tired of dieting only to regain the weight you loss, plus more? What if you could actually lose weight for good without crazy...
Four Steps to Stay Faithfully Fit

Four Steps to Stay Faithfully Fit

That last couple months have been a struggle for me regarding eating. It seems I’ve been doing a little more emotional eating than usual. I don’t like it one bit.

Photo Credit: greg westfall. via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: greg westfall. via Compfight cc

Honestly, my weight has been fluctuating, and so have my hormones. One minute I’m crying, the next I seem to have a bowl of ice cream in my hand. Vanilla ice cream at that, and I don’t even like vanilla. If it ain’t got chocolate in it, I ain’t eatin’ it. Yet, I’ve found myself doing just that.
There have been a few people shocked to learn that I still have struggles. Since I lost 145 lbs. almost four years ago, they just assume everything is great and I don’t run into roadblocks. Afterall, I even wrote an ebook about it. Oh how I wish!

We need to be real about our struggles. (Tweet that)

That’s just what I’m going to do with you. Be real. I hope you wouldn’t expect anything less. The last thing I want to do is provide false hope for those of you fighting the health battle and convince you that once you hit your goal weight the job is done and now you sit back and relish in your victory.
It’s hard. There are days it’s really hard. Recognizing the struggle though is what keeps me going. I’ve been under more stress lately than usual, and with stress comes emotions. Unfortunately, there have been times I’ve turned to food instead of turning my fears, failures, and other circumstances over to God. I’m so thankful for his never-ending grace for me.
Because I recognize there are still some struggles happening in my life regarding emotions and food, I’ve taken some steps and implemented some things to get back on the right path. I wanted to share those with you today.

The Faithfully Fit Devotional

This is a 40-day devotional plan written to help end the yo-yo lifestyle of chronic dieting. Though I don’t use the word diet, I wanted to give this devotional a try because I watched the transformation in my friend as she went through it.
It’s a really great book. You can do it on your own, or with a friend. I highly recommend doing it with someone else. There are daily actions to take, whether journaling, memorizing scripture, planning exercise, and more. There is also a daily prayer that goes along with the devotion.

Praying Before Each Meal and Snack

“What? You don’t already do that?” you may be asking. Honestly, no. I usually pray with people when we sit down for a meal, but other than that, I don’t. But I wanted to turn food into an opportunity to praise God and thank Him for allowing me to put great things into my body. I’m trying to implement this habit into praying before snacks as well.
This habit is very new. So new, in fact, that I almost didn’t share it with you because I haven’t quite made it a regular habit yet. (How’s that for honesty?) Here’s what I’m learning: If I pray before putting anything in my mouth, how conscious will I be of what I’m actually eating? I can’t sit down to a bowl of ice cream, ask God to bless it to the nourishing of my body, then expect Him to really do it, can I? No.. there’s nothing nourishing about it.
Now, does that mean we should never eat ice cream? No, that’s not what I’m saying. We do, however, need to make sure we’re eating for the right reasons. Is it to enjoy a great tasting dessert or is it to drown out some emotions we don’t want to deal with? There’s a big difference there.

Find a Workout Partner

I don’t usually enjoy working out with others. I’m a loner when it comes to that. I like to crank up my iPod and get down to business, especially when it comes to running. But hey, I’m learning life isn’t all about me.
God provided an awesome new friend for me. She’s on a new weight loss journey. I’m working hard to stay on my weight loss journey. We’re a perfect match. I literally met her two weeks ago and last week we worked out three times together. It’s helping us both have incentive to show up at the gym on time. And we’re both Dolly Parton fans. How can this not work out in our favor?

Staying Accountable

I’ve talked about my accountability partners before. They’re great. Recently though, I reached beyond my tiny accountability circle to ask others to hold me accountable in the very specific area of food.
They are praying for me, being honest with me about my struggles, and supporting me through good times and bad. It’s caused me to be vulnerable outside of my comfort zone and though it’s hard, I’m okay with it.
There you have it. Some new changes I’m implementing in my life to stay on the course God has set before me. I’m constantly looking for new ways to grow and right now these seem to be working. I hope they work for you as well.
I’d love to hear some of your suggestions and what works for you. Leave a comment below… 

Six Steps to Living For God and Leading Others

Six Steps to Living For God and Leading Others

Leadership isn’t always an easy thing. Any leader knows that. Perhaps it’s even harder to be a Christian leader. Why? Because the standards put on you can be exceedingly high. All eyes are on you.

photo credit: gelle.dk (creative commons)

As a leader, you are the quarterback of the team. Each player in the game relies on your wisdom, truth, guidance and correction. Higher expectations quickly become placed on you.
The other team obviously has a target on your back. They don’t want you to play your A-game. But what if your own team members are aiming at the target as well? All eyes are still on you and people are waiting to see what your next step will be. In your role as a leader, this is bound to happen at least once. People aren’t always for you. Unfortunately, there is usually one rotten egg in the bunch.

Six Steps to Living For God and Leading Others

Three Steps To Finding Guidance Through Impatience

Photo Credit: Marc Dezemery

Three Steps To Finding Guidance Through Impatience

Three Steps To Finding Guidance Through Impatience
from Come Away My Beloved – Francis J. Roberts

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Psalm 37:23
My child, hear My voice, and give no heed to the voice of the stranger. My paths are straight, and they are narrow, but you shall have no difficulty finding them if you watch Me. I am guiding you. You need not look to people for direction. You may learn much by fellowship with the saints, but never allow any to take the role that is rightfully Mine – to direct your steps. As it is written, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” – not by the preacher, not by some Christian worker, but by the Lord.
Trust Me to do it, and give Me the time and the opportunity to do it. Be not hasty, and lean not upon your own intelligence.
Rest in Me. I shall bring to pass My perfect will in your life as you believe and live in faith.


How often do you look to others for guidance before seeking God’s direction? This is an area God is constantly growing me in. It’s easier to talk to someone sitting right in front of you, or call a friend on the phone for advice first, than it is to sit and talk to God. But that doesn’t make it the way it should be.
That doesn’t mean we cannot receive spiritual wisdom from those around us, but we must take the right steps first.

  • Ask God.
  • Talk to others.
  • Go back to God.

I love this part in the devotion: Trust Me to do it, and give Me the time and the opportunity to do it. Be not hasty, and lean not upon your own intelligence. I too often lean upon my own intelligence, then quickly find myself question that intelligence with a what was I thinking slap to the forehead.
We must go to God and believe that He will answer us in due time. Sometimes I find myself going to God for direction and immediately turning around and taking the issue to someone. I haven’t even given Him time to answer me. I can imagine Him shaking His head at my impatience.
Next time you find yourself asking others for direction, ask yourself if you have talked with God about it first.

Do you struggle with impatience in this area?

When God Tries to Steal Your Destiny

When God Tries to Steal Your Destiny

Twenty-nine years ago yesterday, my and my mom’s lives were forever changed in the blink of an eye.

I was just a 10-year-old kid who was told I’d probably never walk again. But I don’t think the heart and mind of a child that age can fully comprehend what “never” means.

We all have a destiny, a purpose God has designed us for. And the enemy would love nothing more than to destroy us and keep us from fulfilling our God-given destiny.

The enemy almost destroyed us that day. My mom clung to life for a moment, wondering if the next breath would be her last. And me, well, they pulled my body out of the car with my legs wrapped around my head like an acrobat. It’s the only time in my life I had the talent enough to be a contortionist. You can see the full pictures here…

But God… Jehovah Rapha!

We both lived to tell about it, and I’m walking proof of God’s awesomeness!

As I was looking through these pictures yesterday, I had to stop for a moment and tell God I was sorry that I’d gotten off track so many times in living out the life He’d called me to. I repented for giving up on my dreams so many times – the dreams He’d put in my heart.

And then I thanked Him for being the God of second chances. I deserve nothing that He blesses me with, yet He tells me in His Word that He longs to bless me. Sometimes I just can’t wrap my mind around it.

Friend, if you’ve given up on your dream, today is the day to get back up and take the next right step. Ask God to take your hand and walk with you. He will because that’s who He is.

Maybe you feel like you’re so far gone that you don’t even know what your purpose is. God knows. Ask Him to remind you, then ask Him to walk with you as you get there. He will because that’s who He is.

Maybe your life feels like what our car looked like – a total disaster. But it doesn’t have to stay that way, my friend. There is hope. God can pull you out of the wreckage and make you walk again. That’s who He is.

Cling to Him like your life depends on it because your life depends on it.

I’m praying for an awakening in your soul, my friend. I’m praying that spark gets re-ignited. Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t give up on God. He hasn’t given up on you.

You. Are. Valuable.

P.S. I have forgiven my parents for allowing me to have a mullet.

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